CleverCards FAQs

Here you will find answers to some of the most common CleverCards FAQs, along with step-by-step process and videos for assistance.

If you have a query and can't find the answer here, please reach out to us at and our Support Team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Business Portal FAQs

  1. How Do I Sign Up?
  2. How To Log Into Your Business Account
  3. How To Verify Your Business Account
  4. How To Reset Your Password
  5. How Do I Invite a New User To The Business Portal?
  6. How To Resend The Business Portal Access Email
  7. How To Top Up Your CleverCards Account
  8. How Do I Issue a Business Card To An Employee?
  9. How Do I Reload a Business Card?
  10. How Do I Unload a Business Card?
  11. How Do I Bulk Upload Multiple Business Cards?
  12. Why Can't I Send Cards To My Employees?
  13. How Do I Order Employee Benefits Cards From My Business Portal? (1-10 cards)
  14. How Do I Order Employee Benefits Cards From My Business Portal? (Bulk Order)
  15. How Do I Order Employee Benefits Cards if I Don't Have a CleverCards Account?
  16. How To Delete a Draft Order
  17. How To View My Total Account Balance?
  18. How To Edit & Resend An Employee Benefit Card?
  19. Accessing a PROFORMA Invoice
  20. How Can I Add a PO Number To a PROFORMA Invoice?
  21. Downloading a VAT Invoice For a Processed Payment
  22. Adding a Department Code
  23. Adding a Customer Code
  24. How Do I Search For a Business Card I Issued?
  25. How To Filter Business Cards by Status
  26. How To Filter Transactions By Status or Type (Individual Business Card)
  27. How To Filter Transactions (All Cards)
  28. How To View All Business Card Transactions
  29. How To View Notes & Receipts of Transactions
  30. How To View and Action Reload Requests In The Business Portal
  31. How To View Completed Orders for Employee Benefits Cards
  32. How To Customise Employee Benefits Recipient Emails
  33. How To Change Your Business Portal Account Password
  34. How To View & Download Your Account Statement
  35. How To Disable & Delete a User From Your Business Portal
  36. Business Cards vs. Employee Benefits: Key Differences Explained

Cardholder & App FAQs

  1. How to Upload a Receipt & Add a Note To a Transaction
  2. How to Add Customer or Department Codes
  3. How to Request a Reload For a Business Card
  4. How to View or Cancel a Reload Request
  5. How to Extract Your Card Statement

General FAQs